AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions - Which Serverless Platform Offers Better Billing Systems

October 12, 2021

Welcome back, cost-conscious cloud enthusiasts! Today, we are comparing two serverless platforms that have grabbed the attention of many cloud businesses – AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. Both platforms have grown in popularity as they provide a flexible and cost-effective way to run your code. However, as we know, with great power also comes great responsibility – in this case, the responsibility to keep an eye on the cloud bills and optimize your resource usage. So, let’s dive in to find out which one is better in terms of Cloud Billing and Cost Management.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is the most widely used serverless platform for developing applications. What makes Lambda unique is that it allows users to run their code without having to manage servers or any other infrastructure. This means that you don't have to pay for any idle resources, which can help reduce costs significantly.

Billing System

AWS Lambda comes with multiple billing options to provide a more flexible pricing model.

  • Pay-per-Use Model: You only pay for the time your code is executed, rounded up to the nearest 100 milliseconds.
  • Provisioned Concurrency: You can choose to provision concurrency for your Lambda function to ensure steady low-latency execution. With this model, you pay for the amount of concurrency assigned, regardless of whether your function is being used.
  • Reserved Concurrency: You can reserve a number of concurrent executions per function, billing you for the reserved concurrency even if no function is running.

Overall, AWS Lambda's billing system is well-designed and can easily help keep costs down for customers. However, one must keep an eye on the cost of memory usage, network usage and any additional charges for different AWS services.

Azure Functions

Azure Functions is Microsoft’s serverless computing platform, which helps customers to run event-driven applications. Like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions eliminates the need for infrastructure management, making it easier for users to focus on their code.

Billing System

Azure Functions comes with two pricing options:

  • Consumption Plan: This is the pay-as-you-go model, which only charges you when your code is being executed. This plan allows up to 1 million executions per month for free.
  • App Service Plan: This plan provides a dedicated instance to run Azure Functions, and you are charged based on the instance size and uptime.

The consumption plan is great for small businesses and independent developers, as it eliminates the need for upfront payments. The App Service plan is more suitable for large-scale operations.


Both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions offer flexible and cost-effective pricing models, making it easier for developers to choose based on their needs. Here is a quick comparison:

Features AWS Lambda Azure Functions
Pay-per-use Model Yes Yes
Provisioned Concurrency Yes No
Reserved Concurrency Yes Yes
Free tier 1 Million requests per month 1 Million requests per month
Minimum Billable Duration 100ms 1ms

As from the comparison, AWS Lambda has an edge over Azure Functions as it offers more billable models like Provisioned Concurrency while Azure functions do not have this feature.


To conclude, both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions offer great serverless options, and comparing them purely in terms of billing systems is just one aspect. However, we believe that AWS Lambda has a more comprehensive billing system than Azure Functions, making it the winner in this comparison.

That's a wrap for today, folks! We hope this comprehensive comparison has given you insights on how AWS Lambda can help you manage your costs efficiently. Remember, understanding your billing system is the first step towards maximizing cost-efficiency.


  1. AWS Lambda Official Docs:
  2. Azure Functions Official Docs:
  3. AWS vs Azure Comparison:

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